Everybody now seems to know that you can soften lines and wrinkles with ‘Botox®’ and fillers and that cheeks can be nicely augmented with injectable ‘volumisers’.
One procedure that most people are still unaware of however is non-surgical nose-shaping - and yet the results are amazing and the procedure is very quick and uncomplicated.
A perfect nose-job for Christmas
Non-surgical nose shaping is a relatively new variation of treatment with a hyaluronic acid filler. In our clinic, we use Restylane® Perlane with added local anaesthetic, so that the procedure is virtually painless in most patients.
Not everybody is suitable for this treatment, but if you are, then this is a great alternative for a surgical ‘nose job’ (rhinoplasty).
We can treat for example bumps on the bridge of your nose and an uneven shape to the bridge of the nose (for example after trauma or surgery).

a nose job on your dinner break
Often the nose might even appear smaller compared to before treatment.
I also frequently have patients coming to see me in the clinic, complaining that they can’t wear glasses or sunglasses, as these tend to slide down, due to the flatter shape of their nose. Through means of non-surgical nose shaping, we can now build up flat noses, giving them a beautiful, even profile and thus reducing the problem of ‘sliding glasses’.
For me as a practitioner non-surgical nose shaping is a very satisfying procedure that can make a huge difference to the affected individual.

Author: Dr Stefanie Williams
Dr Stefanie Williams is Medical Director of European Dermatology London, a private dermatology clinic in London’s Harley Street and Kensington. Here she not only treats the entire spectrum of skin problems – from acne to skin cancer – but also practices Cosmetic Dermatology, ensuring the highest quality and safety standards. Her special interest lies in aesthetic procedures to rejuvenate face, hands and chest. She lectures in the Department of Cosmetic Science, University of the Arts, London and has published more than 100 scientific articles, book chapters and abstracts and frequently speaks at international conferences.
Dr Stefanie and her research have appeared in a variety of magazines and newspapers including Daily Mail, Metro, Stylist, Daily Telegraph, Evening Times Scotland, Madame (Germany), Daily Mirror, Tatler, Daily Express, Saga, Harold Sun and Evening Standard. She has also been named as one of Britain's best Cosmetic Doctors 2010 in Tatler magazine.
Being both a Dermatologist and Cosmetic Scientist puts her in the unique position to combine in-depth knowledge about skin biology and skin problems with expertise in aesthetic procedures and skincare.
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